
You are a member of Servas and you are going to travel. This is what you need: a profile on ServasOnline and a valid Letter of Introduction (LOI)

Servas Online

After becoming a member you make a profile on Servas Online. You can supplement this profile yourself with the information you want to share with other Servas members world wide. In ServasOnline you can search for hosts and make contact with them.

The manual for ServasOnline you can find here.


To travel you need a Letter of Introduction. You can read how to apply for it here.

In case of problems, send us a e-mail. We are happy to help.

“Tracey and Jim, what does travelling mean to you?
It’s a chance to explore, to connect, to listen, to understand, to be. It’s about self-growth and enjoying challenges – whether that’s looking after a farm in Normandy, learning Spanish in Bolivia, or helping to run a guesthouse in Cape Town, South Africa. We love to ‘live local’, stay a while, and get to know people. That’s why Servas is ideal for us. We’ll never forget the time we stayed with a Servas host – a Hindu housewife in India. She showed us her private temple and talked of her dreams to work in child care. She gave us cake from the recent Diwali festival, and told us we were lucky because we’d come from Europe and now here we were eating cake blessed by god; that god must have meant us to have it. Such experiences are precious. We’ve been travelling for five years now – on and off – and have experienced so much; and we hope to keep going for many more.”